
Vajra's Elite Montessori


Vajra's Elite Montessori


About Vajra's Elite Montessori

We are committed to providing kids with a structured atmosphere that supports the development of social, physical, mental, and practical discipline.

The structured setting and qualified instructor encourage independence, self-discipline, confidence, and respect for a child’s private and public lives. In order to provide a setting that encourages kids to develop to their full potential, Elite Montessori works to adhere to the educational philosophies and practices created by Dr. Maria Montessori.

Preparing them For The Future






From the Director’s Desk

Our modest beginnings grew out of a vision that respects, supports, and recognizes the special role that children play in determining the course of humanity. My objective is to create a space that is not only lovely but also serves the child’s work in a way that fosters self-assurance, joy, and a lifetime love of learning.

We appreciate you showing interest in Elite Montessori.

Kavitha Vishwanath Vajramuni

Founder / Director – Vajra's Elite Montessori

The Montessori Curriculum

Exercises of Practical Life

Exercises of Practical Life

Children learn to do such familiar activities such as dressing, dusting, sweeping, preparing and serving food and fixing or building that they see happening around them.


The sensorial area in a Montessori classroom focuses on lessons and activities that help develop the five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling.


The kids will work with concrete
objects to learn about the concept
of quantities. Areas such as
n and division are introduced to


The child is helped to become conscious of the spoken language and he is provided with the symbols for these. Kids learn to write and read the language through various activities,sand-paper letters.


Activities that expose the child to basics in geography, history, and life sciences. Music, art and movement education are part of the integrated cultural curriculum.

Programmes Offered at Elite Montessori

Early Years Program

Our Early years environment is designed to meet the developmental needs of children 22 months to 30 months of age.

Montessori / Pre-Primary Program​

Our Montessori environment is designed to meet the developmental needs of children 2.6 to 6 years of age.


Why Vajra's Elite Montessori

Parent Resources

Suggested Reading

Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius by Angeline Stoll Lillard. Lillard presents the research concerning eight insights that are foundational to Montessori education and describes how each of these insights is applied in the Montessori classroom.

Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori

Photo Gallery of Vajra's Elite Montessori

Book an appointment

with an admission counselor at Elite Montessori

Address: BDA 80ft, Main Rd, opp. Vajragiri Estate, 5th Block, Anjanapura Twp, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560108

Phone No:: +91-8105 602 644


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